Best Firewood In New Zealand

by Unknown
(New Zealand)

Pine, cedar, walnut, macrocarpa and anything else I can get for free or at a low cost. All of the above are either on our block or one of the neighbours so it's easily accessible to us.

I'm not a big fan of Plane unless its mixed in with something else. It dries to nothing and seems to give off very little heat. Having said that, we had some large Plane branches come down one year and they happily went up the chimney!

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Apr 21, 2018
Firewood In Wales, UK
by: Lord J. Cushion

Oak is my choice as it burns for so long and gives out great heat. Ash comes a close second, followed by cherry which harder to get hold of but has a beautiful smell.

Sep 02, 2013
Firewood Available
by: Anonymous

I agree with the individual from New Zealand, it's a good idea to take advantage of any firewood that might be available in the neighborhood if it will burn.

I expect New Zealand, like any of our states or the US Forest Service, have information available on the best types of firewood available in your area. The hardwoods will burn slower, produce more heat and less ash. But softwoods often have a more colorful fire burned in fireplace.

However, if you are burning softwoods in a fireplace you need to be aware some produce sparks (pines, spruces, willow are a few to be aware of) and produce more creosote than hardwoods.

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